Thursday, December 17, 2009


I've been kind of worried about how my saddle fits Rally lately. There haven't been any problems at all but I want him to be happy and comfortable of course. So after reading dressagemom's blog series titled Saddle up I really decided I need to get a saddle fitter out to the barn. My English saddle is a wide or medium tree (i'm not sure because I bought it used) but it has fit a multitude of horses in the past and I've never had any problems riding any horses in it. The western saddle we borrow for Rally is a roping saddle made with full Quarter Horse bars. Rally is not a Quarter Horse. He is half Appaloosa but he is also half Arabian. I'm naturally a worrier about everything so I hope that the saddles do fit him. I'll have to look around for a fitter.
I'm thinking about taking Rally to a clinic in March. It's pretty low key and low drama type stuff but it's with my amazing trainer so I think we could learn a lot. Since I'm learning her style of riding, I'd love for Rally to master being a horse with her training. I love training and teaching Rally things because he is so intelligent and receptive. He gets things immediately. That's the Arab in him :) It reminds me of Pride.

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